Home » Ogliastra info » Places to see » Natural Monuments » Scala di San Giorgio

Scala di San Giorgio

Location: Osini 

Standing proud along the fabulous winding roads of Osini's backland this giant rocky finger is imposing! 

Distance: Approx. 35km from Tortoli

How to get there:
From Tortoli follow the main road SS125 south to Cardedu, continue through Cardedu following signs to Jerzu, at the beginning of Jerzu take the second exit on the roundabout (almost doubling back on yourself) and the road leads up and above Jerzu, follow signs to Ulassai, continue through Ulassai following signs to Osini, continue through Osini following signs to Scala di San Giorgio

What to expect:

  • The glorious winding roads of Ogliastra's Cannonau countryside provide the perfect support act for the main event in Osini. Upon arrival you find great limestone walls sprouting tree roots and green fauna, enveloping the sweeping road that snakes through this natural gorge. Although quite steep and heavy going you are able to access the top of the walls via man-made paths where you'll be rewarded with spectacular views of the valley on the east side and the mountain towns within it.
  • Rock climbing available here
  • Easy Access by car
  • Guided tours available *
  • Parking area
  • Excellent panoramic view-points

There is the possibility of a small fee of about €1 from visitors which goes towards the general up-keep of the area but in no way leaves you feeling short changed

*Tours and excursions to Scala San di Giorgio are available through Archeo-Bus and Quad Biking

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