
Location: South Ogliastra (7.5km from the sea)

Location: South Ogliastra (7.5km from the sea)

How to get there:

  • From the south take the SS125 north following signs to Tortoli until you arrive in Tertenia. Very easy to get to.
  • From Nuoro take the main road SS398 south to Lanusei until the road becomes the SS198 to Lanusei, continue through Lanusei on this road, upon exiting the town turn right staying high and keeping Loceri on your left following signs to Barisardo. Continue on this road until the main road SS125 south to Cagliari, turn right here and continue past Barisardo until Cardedu, go through Cardedu and turn left onto the SS125 again towards Cagliari, continue south to Tertenia.


  • Tertenia is quite a large town with a long coastline, its possible highlight being the lovely old tower of San Giovanni di Sarrala, sat plumb on a rocky lip, splashed by the sea. Excellent views north and south along the Ogliastran coast can be viewed from the top. The town is situated several kilometres from the sea with a high rocky land inbetween. Slightly north is Mount Ferru which is good for trekking, and heading south the territory holds many nuragic remains including the impressive Nuraghe Nastasi. In the town you are able to see a WWII memorial statue called The Diving Eagle by the Tertenian born artist Albino Manca as well as experiencing warm hospitality and traditional living.

Points of interest:

  • Marina of Tertenia
  • The Tower of San Giovanni
  • Nuragic Tower
  • Fustiragili Botanical Gardens

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